AD525x  0.6.0
Library for I2C communication with AD5253 and AD5254 digital potentiometers using an Arduino.
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 AD525x.cppClass file for AD5253/AD5254 digital potentiometer Arduino library
 AD525x.hHeader file for AD5253/AD5254 digital potentiometer Arduino library
 AD525x_Errors.hError code header for AD525x.h and AD525x_ErrorStrings.h
 AD525x_ErrorStrings.cppSource file for retrieving human readable strings from the error codes defined in AD525x_Errors.h
 AD525x_ErrorStrings.hHeader file for retrieving human-readable strings corresponding to the error codes defined in AD525x_Errors.h